Good job Gary

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Thanks, Gary

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I want to subscribe but through my other e-mail address. OrigionalVetInBiz@yahoo.com. That is the one where I do my reading. Bill

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Most interesting reading Gary, especially in closing with your interest in racism. In my pre and post year 75 I've become interested in the topic. Spending a lot of my middle years avoiding addressing the topic/denying it/not paying attention and living my nice white skinned life on the surface. Funny? thing is I kept having these reactions every year around February 21, where I went into a funk, hiding out. I kept having intrusive thoughts about Alexander for years on a daily basis. Which as I look back on for a few years now as the beginning of this spiritual journey. By the way I want to thank you publicly for our 2019 trip to VN and am sending this invitation to my family/friends/who ever. Detty

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The article reminds me of several issues of which I have lived, and wondered. One of which was when, in Vietnam '66-'67 I carried in a plastic bag along with my code book (radio codes) a Kennedy half dollar. Occasionally I would take out that half dollar and look at it. I would light a smoke, usually a non filtered camel from our C ration pack, and just stare at that 50 cent piece. It seemed what I was doing was trying to rationalize what we were doing in this place, as in what we were fighting for? In some small way it reminded me of the American ideals of justice, equality, fair play and I guess, equal opportunity. Even though any rational would tell me, and you, those were not a reality in America , but, those were the ideals of which we , as Americans, were trying to achieve. Weren't we? Looking at that half dollar for a moment or two seemed to help me rationalize the events around me as there just must be a greater good to this.

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